Wednesday, 22 April 2009

The God War 2009 & Video Section

Uploaded video yesterday for The God War event to help kick start the forum events section made a few weeks ago. Looking like there's gonna be plenty of people showing up already :P 

The new video section is close to being ready for people to use. I'm going to release it early with fewer features than it will have when finished, to give people a chance to add their videos and stuff. I'll later add various features I've got planned for it.

Just these left to do before it's ready for a 'beta' release:
-Reporting Videos
-Fixing up the sorting options
-Edit video feature
-Moderation features

Those shouldn't take too long to do for a basic start, I'll probably work on improving them later once the basics are done.

Hope everyone enjoys the event this weekend and find the video section useful once it's done ^_^

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